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The Inspired Version Of The Bible

The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ firmly recognises The Inspired Version of The Holy Bible as the only Bible ordained by God on earth today. We boldly declare to the world that The Inspired Version of the Bible is superior to any other Bible currently available. The Prophet Joseph Smith dedicated himself to The Inspired Version of the Bible from June 1830 to July 1833. By 1833, he deemed it sufficiently complete to begin preparations for publication, although a lack of time and funding prevented its full release during his lifetime. He continued to refine the manuscript for printing until his martyrdom in 1844.

Joseph Smith’s revisions to the Bible were pivotal in shaping the doctrines of the church. Throughout the translation process, he addressed challenging biblical issues by dictating relevant revelations. Approximately half of the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are connected to this translation effort, covering topics such as the Apocrypha (D&C section 91), the three degrees of glory (section 76), baptism for the dead (section 124), and various priesthood revelations (sections 84, 88, 107). In total, 3,410 verses in The Inspired Version of The Bible differ other versions.

Regrettably, the Prophet Joseph Smith did not live to see his monumental work published. After his death, his widow, Emma Smith, retained the manuscripts and documents related to the translation, choosing to wait for the right moment to publish them. Following Joseph Smith's passing, John Milton Bernhisel sought permission from Emma Smith to copy the notes into his own Bible, dedicating much of the spring of 1845 to this project. However, the Bernhisel Bible currently contains less than half of the necessary corrections and is not fit for publication. Fortunately, when Joseph Smith III came of age, he successfully published his father's work in its entirety. Thanks to the unwavering determination and dedication of both Emma Smith and Joseph Smith III, we proudly possess the Version of the Bible today in its purest form.​​​

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