Testimony of The Prophet Matthew P. Gill
My name is Matthew Gill, born on August 29, to Philip and Alyson Gill. My parents played a crucial role in my spiritual development, teaching the importance of communing with God, prayer, and living according to the principles of faith in Christ. This narrative outlines my journey of discovering the Lord, my divine calling to undertake significant work on earth, and my transformation into a Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator.
At the age of twelve, I approached The Book of Mormon with eagerness, seeking to uncover the truths it contained. This sacred text held a place of honour in my family home, and discussions about the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. were always characterised by deep respect and admiration. I developed a profound appreciation for him long before I read The Book of Mormon, as his testimony resonated within me, instilling a strength that transcended my previous experiences. He was a man guided by the Lord.

Having grown up in a family with a profound appreciation for the Book of Mormon, it was only natural that I would eventually feel compelled to explore its pages and seek truth for myself. The urge I experienced was unlike anything I had encountered before; it felt as though my personal growth depended on engaging with this text. I distinctly remember that Friday night when I took our family copy of The Book of Mormon, settled into my room with snacks, and prepared for an extensive reading session. As I progressed through chapter after chapter, I found myself completely absorbed in the content. When I ultimately decided to rest, the anticipation and excitement lingered within me. In a remarkable moment of prayer for guidance I encountered a glorious being who introduced himself as Moroni. The profound love and spirit I felt during that experience were indescribable, signalling the beginning of a significant journey. Years later, after diligently following Moroni's counsel and sharing my experiences, I had the privilege of meeting the angel Raphael, who revealed my purpose and introduced me to The Book of Jeraneck. I am filled with gratitude for the affirmations I have received and remain steadfast in my testimony of Jesus Christ and the truths of the gospel, I stand ready and prepared to share my witness with others.